We Talked Flying Car Races with Matthew Pearson - Showcase SA

We Talked Flying Car Races with Matthew Pearson

Photo credit: Milco Media

From backpacker to building flying race cars, Matt Pearson was the man with a mission…to put something in space and to build flying racecars!

Matt Pearson stole the show at Tuesday’s Inspiring Leaders Luncheon, and for good reason too. With a story that’s one for the ages, Matt shared his journey from living in the South African mountains to living in a hostel with $200 to now becoming one of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs.  

So where did it all begin? Have you ever thought that maybe your dream meant something deeper? Well for Matt, this was his spark, after having multiple recurring dreams about building a flying sports car. Fast forward multiple years, Matt was running four different businesses at the one time, with the end goal to put motorsports into the sky.  The once high school drop-out, was now well on his way to building one of the world’s first flying race cars. However, after a crash landing of his first proto-type, Matt went back to the building blocks and recruited some of the best in the motorsport field. 

With companies such as Ferrari, Airbus, and Boeing joining the team, it wasn’t long until Matt’s dream became a reality and a slick Airspeeder race car was developed. However, with flying race car collisions almost inevitable, Matt’s final bump in the road, or should we say sky, is trying to prevent and mitigate any possible grievances.  

For now, Matt’s final remarks are to “watch the space”, as the Airspeeder cars are set to race their way around the globe in the world first flying race car competition.  

To hear more from these incredible individuals, whilst sitting amongst some of Adelaide finest businesses dinning and wining, ensure you keep up to date with all the Showcase SA events. 

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