Showcase SA is hosting a COVID-19 business briefing - Showcase SA

Showcase SA is hosting a COVID-19 business briefing

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted the South Australian business landscape in an unprecedented manner. In response, Showcase SA reached out to our industry peers and members in order to develop an online strategy to help members adapt and survive in the current climate.

Showcase SA is hosting a Coronavirus Business Briefing to help South Australian businesses best manage the current climate by providing tools and information to cross relevant categories. Our event sponsor, the Department for Trade & Investment, will speak alongside a panel of industry leaders:

In this webinar, you will hear:

Busting the myth on Coronavirus,

Employment Contracts: adapting job descriptions

Work without pay implementations


About our speakers
Dr Tom Dodd – SA Pathology
As the Clinical Service Director, Tom provides expert clinical guidance to SA Pathology and the health sector. He is responsible for the delivery of continual improvement programs in the performance, quality and safety of SA Pathology services across the public and private community. Tom works collaboratively with the Executive Director for the provision of executive strategic advice.
Todd Miller – DTI
Todd lead’s DTI International Market Development team and responsible for the interactions between DTI, and their business clients to the World through the South Australian International Office Network and Austrade’s Global Network.
Will Snow: – Finlaysons
Will has significant experience in workplace & safety, with secondments and in-house roles in the large and industrially complex workforces of Qantas Airways and Rail Corporation NSW, plus top-tier private practice roles.
He has particular expertise in responding rapidly to uncertain risk situations, including safety incidents and fatalities, unprotected industrial action, and instances of serious misconduct, bullying, workplace fraud, and whistle-blower compliance and protections.
Daniel Hubbard – ICorp
Daniel Hubbard has over 30 years’ experience in the insurance industry, which means he definitely understands everything we don’t! Daniel has developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in assessing risk and best practice. When establishing iCorp Insure, Daniel wanted to build an insurance brokerage that would listen to the needs of its clients.

If you are a current showcase member, a link will be sent to your email if you’re not a member, businesses can sign up to our weekly webinar subscription for only $50+GST, which will allow you to access all webinars broadcast that week. You can cancel at any time. Subscribe here:

For more information about Showcase SA memberships, our weekly subscription to our webinar, please email

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