Showcase SA Update following new lockdown restrictions - Showcase SA

Showcase SA Update following new lockdown restrictions

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Having spoken to many of our members over the last 48 hours, it’s fair to say it’s been a challenge for us to go back into COVID lockdown, no matter how encouraging the state government’s swift response to the emerging cluster has been.

As a result of today’s announcement, we have postponed our Inspiring Leaders lunch with 2019 Australian of the Year Dr Richard Harris and Operation Flinders, and will confirm a new date in due course.

Showcase SA remains committed to running our events in support of our members during this period in a COVID-Safe manner. We did this during the last lockdown through virtual meetings and webinars and will do so again.

Our Masterclasses and Networking Events will be offered online (in webinar format) for the next two weeks. We have just finalised two more Online Masterclasses on Communicating in a Crisis with Ally Nitschke from Made for More, and on Mental Wellbeing with Anthony Hart from Invigor Wellbeing.

We pride ourselves on providing independent opportunities for businesses to connect – it’s why our members are building Showcase SA into our state’s premier networking community, and why we can continue to support each other during this latest challenge.

To that end, if you or a business you know needs some supportplease reach out to us. This could be a potentially devastating time for South Australian businesses – financially, but also emotionally – and it’s important we stick by one another, promote each other, and stay strong together.

I wish you, your workforce and business the very best during the next two weeks and beyond.

Take care and stay strong,

Steve Testar
CEO and Co-Founder
Showcase SA

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