New Partnership Promotes Oral Health Across Australia - Showcase SA

New Partnership Promotes Oral Health Across Australia

Australian Dental Foundation (ADF) has partnered with Woolworths to promote its new range of dental products, with proceeds used to provide dental services to some of Australia’s most vulnerable people.

Foundation Chair Dr Greg Miller said the new range of toothbrushes and toothpaste have been designed and developed by a group of Australian dentists and tested with children and parents. Proceeds will fund the Foundation’s work, including dental procedures and oral health education for children in need across metropolitan and rural communities. 

“It’s been an exciting two-year journey to bring our products to market,” Dr Miller said. 

“Our charity does great work with our limited resources, but this new partnership with Woolworths will allow us to grow and expand and see more children in need.

“Every time you buy an ADF toothbrush and a tube of ADF toothpaste, not only are you buying a product that has been developed and designed by Australian dentists, but you are also helping to fight dental disease throughout Australia,” he said.

Started by a team of volunteer dentists in 2016, the Australian Dental Foundation has grown rapidly to become Australia’s largest dental charity with a national presence and clocking more than three million hours of free dental checks and procedures. The Foundation has fixed clinics and a mobile service that visits schools, aged care facilities, and remote communities. 

The ADF toothbrushes and toothpaste will be available in selected Woolworths stores across Adelaide this month. 

“Brushing your teeth twice a day is the simplest and best way to take care of your oral health whatever your age. By buying our products, you’ll not only be doing your mouth a favour, you’ll be helping us to reach many people for whom dentistry is too expensive or difficult”.

Woolworths Oral Health Category Manager, Hayden Sansom said: “We are proud to partner with the Australian Dental Foundation and bring their range of oral care products into a selection of local Woolworths supermarkets throughout November.”    

For more information and a list of stockists, visit

Article and Image supplied by the Australian Dental Foundation.

The Australian Dental Foundation is a proud member of Showcase SA. Become a member to get your news published. View our packages and find out more here.

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