Showcase SA member Voiteck are really proud to be a big supporter of foodbank SA. Here’s some feel-good news Managing Director Declan O’Callaghan penned recently:
It’s frightening to think we as a modern country and state still need to support so many of our residents with subsidised food or actual meals to the extent that we do.
Voiteck love to celebrate and we have committed to each other that once a quarter we will review our business plan and celebrate (commiserate) about how well we have done.
We love and live by our values and when we discussed as a leader’s team a key area for us was to give back.
In Giving back we looked at our charity partners and the one that really stood out was Foobank. 3 years ago, we upgraded all of their telephony solution for free, but last week was more important.
The Voiteck crew gave up a morning of work time to help pack or unpack boxes and get food parcels ready for delivery. In total Voiteck donated over 2 weeks’ worth of Voiteck time.
I was incredibly proud and humbled by the experience and the feedback from all of our staff commenting it was the best celebration we have conducted, and it truly was the celebration of service.
To join Voiteck and many more local business organisations as Showcase SA Members, check out our membership packages here.