How prepared is corporate Australia for Mandatory Climate Reporting? - Showcase SA

How prepared is corporate Australia for Mandatory Climate Reporting?

How prepared is corporate Australia to respond to the greatest corporate disclosure challenge of our time?

RSM conducted independent research to answer just that question. 

With mandatory reporting set to be introduced by 1 July 2024, RSM has reviewed the public sustainability reporting practices of more than 1500 Australian public and private companies expected to become mandatory reporters under the new Australian Climate Reporting Standards. 

The rapid change in reporting requirements prompted RSM, as sustainability and climate thought leaders, to understand and unpack the current state of climate and sustainability reporting in Australia. 

To date, less than 40% of mandatory reporters have collected and reported their Scope 1 and 2 emissions data, demonstrating a significant gap in where corporate Australia is now, versus where it needs to be. 

Download the report here. 

Article and Image supplied by RSM Australia.

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