Gallery: Industry Briefing | Tourism, Food & Wine - Showcase SA

Gallery: Industry Briefing | Tourism, Food & Wine

Showcase SA Industry Briefing | Tourism Food Wine at Adelaide Skydeck (October 2019) pic: Matthew Kroker

On October 23rd, Showcase South Australia kicked off the first Industry Briefing event: Tourism, Food & Wine. Our guests heard from The Honourable David Ridgway, Minister for Trade, Toruism and Investment, Jamie Sach, Gloabal Ambassador for Penfolds, Sharee Sullivan, Chief Executive of Udder Delights. Each speaker shared industry insights into the current initiatives and opportunities occurring within the Tourism, Food and Wine sectors in our state, and the impact and importance of such activity has on South Australians and the state’s economy. A special thank you to Penfolds for providing wine at the event, and Udder Delights for supplying the cheese.

Photos by Matthew Kroker

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