Allstate Pest Control’s New Values Allow Them To Preach What They Practice To New Recruits - Showcase SA

Allstate Pest Control’s New Values Allow Them To Preach What They Practice To New Recruits

Adelaide’s largest family-owned pest control company has thrived on the vision, hard work and passion of its people for 35 years. Now that Allstate is facing unprecedented growth, these naturally occurring attributes have been turned into official values, so that the exemplary culture that built the business is reflected in every employee.

 Allstate Pest Control has long been known for its top-level customer service, and its people are proud of their close-knit team culture. But whilst Allstate’s values have evolved organically, the company’s unprecedented growth meant it was time they were set in stone.

“Our growth has kicked up over the last 18 months; in that time we have increased employee numbers from 35 to 55 with no sign of slowing down,” said second-generation CEO Vasili Tsousouras. “Putting these values into words ensures we have 100% commitment to them by every single person in the company … We use them in the hiring, onboarding and induction process so that when a new person joins the team, they know our values back to front before they’ve set foot in the door.”

Allstate’s newly written values are also integral to keeping established employees on track. “Between our new rewards and recognition program and our performance management reviews, every goal is set against a value, so we can ensure each team member is upholding the values and is acknowledged when they are,” Vasili enthused.

“For example, one of our values is ‘We Over Me’, and so when a person shows they are more about the team than themselves they get recognised for it. “Or when we assess performance against the value ‘Own Your Mistakes And Learn From Them’, we acknowledge people for taking constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn.”

Allstate’s values were created in conjunction with people from all areas of the company to ensure they were a true reflection of the business. “These values are who we are, and we now have a means of ensuring they are practiced by everyone,” Vasili said proudly.

Allstate Pest Control Recruitment are members of Showcase SA. To find out more or to join today, view our membership packages here.

Article Sourced from Allstate Pest Control

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